

This Tablet Personal Computer modelhas been certified incompliance with thegovernment's requirements forexposure to radio waves.The Tablet Personal Computer havebeen designed to comply withapplicable safety requirements forexposure to radio waves. Your wirelessTablet Personal Computer is a radiotransmitter and receiver. It is designed tonot exceed the limits* of exposure toradio frequency (RF) energy set bygovernmental authorities. These limitsestablish permitted levels of RF energyfor the general population. Theguidelines are based on standards thatwere developed by internationalscientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientificstudies. The standards include a safetymargin designed to assure the safety ofall individuals, regardless of age andhealth. The radio wave exposureguidelines employ a unit ofmeasurement known as the SpecificAbsorption Rate (SAR). Tests for SAR areconducted using standardized methodswith the Tablet Personal Computertransmitting at its highest certifiedpower level in all used frequency bands.While there may be differences betweenthe SAR levels of various Tablet PersonalComputer models, they are all designedto meet the relevant guidelines forexposure to radio waves. For moreinformation on SAR, please refer to thesafe and efficient use chapter in the UserGuide. The highest SAR value asreported to the authorities for this TabletPersonal Computer model when testedfor use against the body is 1.44 W/kg*.The Tablet Personal Computer has beentested when positioned of 0 mm fromthe body without any metal parts in thevicinity of the Tablet Personal Computeror when properly used with anappropriate Sony. For devices whichinclude "WiFi hotspot" functionality, SARmeasurements for the device operating in WiFi hotspot mode were taken using a ** Before a Tablet Personal Computermodel is available for sale to the publicin the US, it must be tested and certifiedby the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) that it does notexceed the limit established by thegovernment-adopted requirement forsafe exposure*. The tests are performedin positions and locations (i.e., by the earand worn on the body) as required bythe FCC for each model. The FCC hasgranted an Equipment Authorization forthis Tablet Personal Computer modelwith all reported SAR levels evaluated asin compliance with the FCC RF exposureguidelines. While there may bedifferences between the SAR levels ofvarious Tablet Personal Computers, allmobile Tablet Personal Computersgranted an FCC equipmentauthorization meet the governmentrequirement for safe exposure. SARinformation on this Tablet PersonalComputer model is on file at the FCC andcan be found under the Display Grantsection of http://www.fcc.gov/oet/fccidafter searching on FCCID PY7TM-0000.Additional information on SAR can beseparation distance of 0 mm.found on the CellularTelecommunications & InternetAssociation (CTIA) website at http://www.ctia.org/.

  1. * In the United States, the SAR limit for mobileTablet Personal Computers used by thepublic is 1.6 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averagedover one gram of tissue. The standardincorporates a margin of safety to giveadditional protection for the public and toaccount for any variations in measurements.
  2. ** This paragraph is only applicable toauthorities and customers in the UnitedStates.
  1. *1 技術基準については、電波法関連省令(無線設備規則第14条の2)で規定されています。
  2. *2 携帯電話機本体を側頭部以外でご使用になる場合のSAR の測定法については、平成22年3月に国際規格(IEC62209-2)が制定されましたが、国の技術基準については、情報通信審議会情報通信技術分科会に設置された局所吸収指針委員会にて審議している段階です。